Can I implement the G12 Vision and keep the name of my church and denomination?

Can I implement the G12 Vision and keep the name of my church and denomination?

Yes, you can implement the G12 Vision in your church, keeping your name and denomination.

The international G12 Vision provides help, advice, tools and training to Pastors and leaders who need it. Our desire is to make Jesus' dream of making disciples come true in all the nations of the world.

Our goal is to support the body of Christ in carrying out the Great Commission effectively and efficiently.

Since we are an interdenominational organization you can keep the name of your church and continue under your denomination. We do not interfere in the private affairs of your church.
Our main emphasis is to be able to spread the gospel of Jesus through the G12 Vision and work in unity with the whole body of Christ. 

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“Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.”

(Matthew 12:25)

We believe it is important to share this Vision that is in the heart of God, so that together in unity we can reach the nations of the earth and thus we can fulfill the desire of the Lord: redeeming and saving souls.

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use the g12 vision


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