In John 21:15-19 we read about Peter's re encounter with Jesus. This occured after Peter had denied Jesus three times. Jesus knew that His disciple was frustrated at having failed like this and sought him out to restore him. A Re Encounter helps to reaffirm those who had an encounter with Jesus, but wish to enter into a greater level of intimacy with the Lord or restore areas that still need to be ministered.
1. Rhema Word: It is essential to have a word of God that will support the scheduled Re Encounter.
2. Goal of attendees: Be clear about how many attendees you want to register to the Re Encounter.
3. Team: According to the established goal of attendees, you should define the roles within the Re Encounter and the number of leaders that will be needed in each role.
4. Spiritual work: The spiritual strategies have to be defined for the preparation of the guides and the environment of the Re Encounter. Within these strategies we find intercession, prayer, fasting and the preparation meetings for the leaders.
5. Financial work: You should use financial strategies to help the attendees with their respective inscriptions.
6. Planning: Schedule the different activities and meetings that will take place in preparation of the Re Encounter. (use a calendar).
7. Information: It is extremely important to communicate the date of the Re Encounter and the preparation meetings in a clear way as well as the costs