Is it important to pray the prayer of faith when winning souls?

Is it important to pray the prayer of faith when winning souls?

It is vitally important that every new believer prays the prayer of faith as an evidence that he has received Jesus in his heart as a result of hearing the gospel. He surrenders his life to Jesus, accepting Him as his Lord and Savior.


For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

(Romans 10:10) NIV

The Altar Call - Two important aspects:

  1. Make the alter call at each meeting or in the cell group.
  2. Present the Cross of Christ at the moment of the altar call.

After a preaching, whether in a church meeting or in a cell group, everyone should join in the prayer of faith together with the preacher.

The following prayer is an example of the prayer of faith you could use at the end of your church meeting or cell group:


"Lord Jesus, I look at the Cross of Calvary where You gave Your life for me and I recognize that You are the Holy Son of the Living God.

You carried on Your body, my sin, my guilt, my condemnation, my curse, all my diseases and even my death.

Lord Jesus, I renounce sin, the flesh, the world, and the adversary.

I am sorry for my sins and I ask your forgiveness for having offended you.

I renounce all alliances made in the past with darkness and I open my life to You.

I confess with my mouth that You are the Son of God, that you died my death but rose triumphant and victorious.

Jesus, today I open my heart and I accept you as my Lord and my Savior.

Reign over my life from this day forward."


After the Prayer:

  1. If it is in a church meeting, invite the new believers to a separate room.
  2. Pray together again emphasizing four aspects in the person's life:
    • His need for God: "Lord, I need You."
    • His condition: "Lord, I need you."
    • His repentance: "Lord, forgive me"
    • His delivery: "Lord, I receive you."

It is very important to write down the person's needs and pray for them.

Ask the person if he would like further guidance and advice. If yes, tell him that someone will contact him in the next few days.

Tell him that he will be called and visited to pray for his needs and invite him to a cell group.


You may also be interested: What is a cell group?


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