What is a cell group within the G12 Vision and what is its purpose?

What is a cell group within the G12 Vision and what is its purpose?

Cell groups are the backbone of the church. They are the foundation on which the church is built and they are one of the main tools to live the G12 Vision, bear fruit and see multiplication and growth.

Paul mentions house churches in several of his letters, for example in Romans 16:5, 1 Corinthians 16:19, Philemon 2 and Colossians 4:15. The early church began its action through meetings in houses and we can see this in the following passages: Acts 2:42, Acts 8:3 and Acts 20:20.

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cell group should take place in a house

The different purposes of a cell group are:


1. Bring salvation: Jesus came into the world with the purpose of seeking and saving the lost. To fulfill this purpose He not only preached in synagogues and temples, but He also brought the message of salvation directly to homes. The cell group allows us to bring the message of salvation to entire families.


“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
(Matthew 18:11)


2. Doctrinal foundation: The cell group must fulfill the purpose of creating a doctrinal fundament in each member, in such a way that it forms in them a commitment to God with good doctrinal roots and not for emotions or benefits received.



3. Produce a change of life: Each cell group should produce a change in the lives of the people because of the preaching of the Word of Truth.

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4. Ministering the touch of God: The presence of God in a cell group makes the difference between success and failure. By ministering the touch of God, the transforming power of the Holy Spirit comes in.


5. Create an atmosphere of fellowship: Communion in a cell group should reflect the love of God. This is the mark of true disciples of Christ.

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
(John 13:35)


6. Forming a team of 12: A growing cell group produces disciples who can later become the future team of 12.

The cell group is a great mine for the team of 12.

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Motivate your disciples


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