What are some biblical examples of vision?

What are some biblical examples of vision?

Vision is a transformation power; it gives us purpose, it inspires us, it connects us with the Lord, and determines the success of our lives. Vision could be the difference between death and life.

When you make up your mind for Jesus, and decide to give up your life to him obeying his word, a veil is removed from your mind and the outlook of your life changes completely. God makes of you a visionary.  



1. Noah: Received a God given vision to build the ark and because of it, he saved his family when everybody else died because of the great flood.

2. David: He had a clear vision of what the Temple should be and look like. That is why he gave Solomon all the resources he needed to fulfill God's vision.

3. Moses: Received a God given vision that gave him clarity about God’s plan on delivering Israel from the oppression of the most powerful empire of the time.

Having the right vision does also get us closer to the right people. Throughout the scriptures we can see that every time God chooses a person, he also surrounds them with people who will support the things they will start, creating a powerful team with the power of a clear vision. 


As church, the Lord revealed to us the G12 vision, the vision of the government of 12. Ever since then, we have been witnesses of the tremendous power of this vision to impact our nation and the nations of the world with the gospel Jesus.  

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The G12 vision has led us to challenge the circumstances, to try things nobody else didn't even think of, and to conquer the impossible. That’s how we have seen God fulfilling the promise he made us when this ministry started: 

I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing

(Genesis 12:2) NIV

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stop and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal you his will


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