What are the characteristics of a visionary leader?

What are the characteristics of a visionary leader?

Vision is fundamental for those who are seeking success no matter what sphere of society they are in, sports, business, mass media, etc.

Throughout history, visionary people have always stood out because of reaching goals that looked impossible to others, Guinness records, deep social transformations, tech development such as computers or smartphones. People such as Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela; they all share some of these characteristics:

· They saw what nobody else did
· They worked without rest until they saw their vision coming to fruition
· They changed forever the sphere of society they were in. 

Leadership ain’t far from that, the leaders who stand out and who leave a mark are those who have a clear vision. In contrast, a leader without vision could be compared to an airplane without a flight plan. It has everything it needs to fly, but it still can’t make it because there’s no clarity about its destination.

There are tons of leaders with a real desire of serving the Lord, who haven’t been able to develop in the ministry just because of a lack of vision.

Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.”

(Numbers 13.30, NVI)

Joshua and Caleb both showed their character in the midst of a hard time. They showed they were faithfull visionary leaders, willing to pay the price. They showed their lives were not controlled by their flesh but by the Holy Spirit. Joshua and Caleb did not look at circumstances, they looked at their destiny, what they would conquer, and because of this attitude they were approved by God to make it to the promised land.

Here are some of the special characteristics that may define a visionary leader: 

visionary leader

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A visionary leader


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