How can I develop the Vision in a digital way?

How can I develop the Vision in a digital way?


1. Win: Keep your social media networks active by sharing content about Jesus and the different church activities.
Like, comment and share posts with your contacts, make friend requests and send messages on your friends' walls.
Motivate your contacts to connect to cell groups, GO groups, events, or your weekly church meeting by sending them the link of the different meetings through text message or WhatsApp.
Hold an evangelistic cell group or prayer group where you pray for the needs of each guest.

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You might also be interested in: What is a cell group?

2. Consolidate: On Mondays, call the people who connected to the online church service.
Ask them how they felt and pray for their needs.
Invite each person to a GO Group or a cell group and ask them to follow the social media platforms of your church.
The next step is for each GO Group leader or cell group leader to share about Life Class (online) and guide each new person throughout the online experience.

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You may also be interested in: What is Life Class?

3. Disciple: Connect each person who attended an Encounter to your weekly cell group meeting and teach them the proper principles of discipleship.
Start Destiny Training (online) and plan a Re Encounter at the end of the 9 months.


discipular de manera virtual

You may also be interested in: What is Destiny Training?

You might also be interested in: What is a Re-Encounter?

4. Send: Have a weekly virtual meeting with your cell group leaders and supervise the new cell groups that were opened as a result of the Re Encounter.
Finally, use all the technological means such as the Zoom platform, Google Meet or YouTube and do not disconnect from your congregation.

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Also schedule virtual intercession meetings and even integration through online platforms.



The Pandemic promoted digital transformation and  today the use of Social Media Networks and virtual media are essential to transmit the message of salvation to others.



use digital plataforms


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