What is the Ladder of Success?

What is the Ladder of Success?


The Ladder of Success, when properly implemented, leads us to experience unprecedented growth. It is defined in four fundamental stages known as: Win, Consolidate, Disciple and Send. These stages will bring multiplication and fruit, which not only remains but also grows.

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.
(John 15:16)

The Ladder of Success has two very firm foundations in the process of Consolidation (retaining the fruit) and Discipleship (forming leaders who reproduce themselves in others) that have helped the churches exploit their full potential.

Before focusing on the four steps, it is important to mention some general considerations that will allow you to understand some basic concepts of working with The Ladder of Success:

1. It is a single process: When planning your work, remember that the success of your work depends on the whole process being carried out in an excellent way.
Don't just think in terms of Winning or Disciple, but always keep the whole Ladder in mind.
Every person who passes through your church should be won, nurtured, discipled, and sent.

49471676022_1f3a00f088_cDo not be fooled, taking a shortcut or skipping any of the stages will not make you see faster results. Set your heart on doing the Vision with excellence.

2. It is a continuous, consistent and simultaneous process: That it is continuous means that it is always in motion, in constant motion. It is not something that is done only once, but it becomes the engine of the church.

Being consistent means that you always need the same encouragement, effort, and dedication.

That it is simultaneous means that there will always be people in different stages. While some are being won, others are being consolidated, discipled or sent.


3. It focuses on the needs of each person: It is very important to understand that the spiritual and ministerial development of each person is different. Some people may need more time and direction than others to get from one stage to another.


Never allow ministerial work to become a rigid method that is more important than the needs of the people. Remember that we are here to help and our focus is that each person finds the right path.

4. Sensitivity to the voice of the Holy Spirit is needed: In order for you to have the desired growth, it is necessary to listen carefully to the direction of the Holy Spirit. He will be the one revealing the specific plan for each moment.


5. Keep all the information updated and verify the work: Excellence and order in the handling of information are very important in all the work of the Vision.


An organized and updated database allow us to:

• Have solid church information in order to be able to verify the growth, the completed goals and the fruit of the different strategies.
• Plan the appropriate church strategies in order to retain all the fruit that was gained and strengthen the areas that are weak.

Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.
(Acts 2:41)

Steps on the Ladder of Success:



This is the first step of The Ladder of Success and its purpose is to reach new people through the preaching of the gospel, so that they give their lives to Jesus and accept him as their personal Lord and Savior.

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This is the second step and its purpose is to care for each person that accepted Jesus in a loving and personal way, until they can affirm their faith, develop spiritual habits and be an active member of the church.

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This is the third step and its purpose is to reproduce the character of Christ in our disciples, in order to equip them with the necessary tools so that they can become successful leaders who multiply and reproduce the Vision.

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This is the fourth step of the ladder and its purpose is for people to be sent in exercising leadership that impacts, by bearing much fruit and reproducing themselves in others.

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the ladder success


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